
linq transformation sample xml xelement.parse used

XElement project = XElement.Parse (@"
<Project DefaultTargets=""Build"" xmlns="""">
<Platform Condition="" '$(Platform)' == '' "">AnyCPU</Platform>
<Compile Include=""ObjectGraph.cs"" />
<Compile Include=""Program.cs"" />
<Compile Include=""Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs"" />
<Compile Include=""Tests\Aggregation.cs"" />
<Compile Include=""Tests\Advanced\RecursiveXml.cs"" />

XNamespace ns = project.Name.Namespace;

var query =
new XElement ("ProjectReport",
from compileItem in project.Elements (ns + "ItemGroup").Elements (ns + "Compile")
let include = compileItem.Attribute ("Include")
where include != null
select new XElement ("File", include.Value)


and results will be:



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